LUQ:BA|037 - Grasp


Chapter 9: Showcase

Into a realm of doubt and terror, The Fallow Crown must keep their wits as they face the challenges from the darkest corners of Ievos Isadora's troubled mind.


LUQ:BA|036 - Calibration


Chapter 8: Procession

As the Fallow Crown makes their final preparations to return to Zenith, Gaspar is forced to decide if his new companion is worth the trouble is certain to cause.


LUQ:BA|035 - Farm


Chapter 8: Procession

The Fallow Crown returns to Elim’s Farm. But they do not find a joyous family beginning a new chapter. Instead they find the broken remains of a people without faith. Will they be able to sow new life, or will the Fallow Crown be true to their name?


LUQ:BA|033 - Rider


Chapter 8: Procession

In the wake of the Dread Servitor, the Fallow Crown bids farewell to the Grim Procession. And yet, in the plane of Error, death lurks in every shadow.


LUQNA|04 - Battle Ask-Us


Welcome to the League of Ultimate Questions, Battle Ask-Us

This LUQNA has been a long time coming, with nearly a year since we last dug into fan questions to discover the rich comedy and dramady veins within.


LUQ:BA|032 - Toll


Chapter 8: Procession

The Fallow Crown breaks ahead of the Grim Procession to help the Celebrant in removing a potential threat to the Procession’s pilgrimage. Can the Crown seal another Scion or will they join the Procession in earnest?


LUQ:BA|031 - Celebrant


Chapter 8: Procession

The Fallow Crown comes face to face with one of the many visages of death. As they fall into lock step with a magnificent parade of undead revellers. In the land of the dead, do as the fallen do.


LUQ:BA|030 - Wisteria


Chapter 8: Procession

Hosts turn Hostile as the unassuming locals attempt to feed the Fallow Crown to the family scion. But Auntie Wisteria is hungry for more than her fair share.


LUQ:BA|029 - Warmth


Chapter 8: Procession

For the first time since the Crucible, Our Heroes return to Error. Will the mysterious plane offer the opportunity for the Fallow Crown to show their true colors?